Beginning Monday, March 25th and until further notice, weight restrictions are imposed to alleys in Breckenridge. Due to spring wet conditions, heavy weight vehicles cannot go thru alleys. Place your garbage receptacle street side.
Breckenridge, MN Maps
Breckenridge, MN Maps
Breckenridge, MN Maps
Electrical Distribution System & Substation Infrastructure
Breckenridge Family Aquatic Center~ Click Here
Breckenridge is a well kept secret offering amazing tourist attractions, recreation and history.
Visit us to discover our secret.
Building Official
420 Nebraska Ave
Breckenridge, MN 56520
Cell Phone: (701)403-9537
Phone: (218)643-1431
Building Officials duties:
Issues all building permits, sign permits, sidewalk permits, etc.
Inspects construction projects to insure all codes are being met.
Answers zoning questions including floodplain issues.
Answer questions regarding setbacks.
Can help with property lines on new City developments, otherwise a homeowner must contact a surveyor.
Building Permits
All construction in the City limits require a building permit (example: roofing, siding, interior structural changes, etc.).
Painting, cabinets, papering, floor covering and similar finish work.
Sheds or storage buildings that are 200 sq. ft. or less.
Window inserts and window replacement of same size
Decks less than 30 inches above ground and not attached.
Private sidewalks
Fences 7 feet tall or less.
Fees are based on a fee schedule set by the City Council.

For a listing of our city ordinances can be found HERE. If you are unable to find an answer to your question, please call City Hall at (218)643-1431.
Reporting Nuisance regarding grass, junk & debris, dilapidated structure, etc.
Do you have too much "stuff"? Items to dispose of and where to dispose.
Need to Improve Your Home?
Minnesota Housing has an affordable loan program to meet your needs form first-time buyers to current homeowners. Click Here
Improve Your Home, We can make it affordable! Click Here
Wilkin County Housing Rehab Resources- Click Here
Home Improvement Partnership Program Loan- Click Here