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Breckenridge Police Department
Standard Operating Manual

100 – Explanation of terms
101 – General orders
102 – Chain of command
104 – Oath
201 – Community relations

202 – Impartial policing/Avoiding racial profiling

204 – Emergency operation of police vehicles

204A – Pursuit driving

204B – Use and care of department vehicles and equipment
204C – Police response to fire/medical emergencies
205 – Police alarm response (Bank/Savings&Loan)

206 – Police vehicle operation without headlights

207 – Parking
208 – Vehicles – Moving
208A – Bicycles (Lost/Stolen)
209 – Civilian rider in police units
210 – Police weapons policy

210A – Use of Force and Deadly Force

211 – Removed *No attachment

213 – Child abuse/neglect/protection
213B – Juvenile court diversion

214 – Response to missing children

216 – Sex offender registration

217 – Animal complaints (dogs, cats, other)
218 – Citizen arrest procedure

219 – Domestic abuse/violation of order for protection

220 – Criminal conduct on school bus

221 – Public nuisance
222 – Use of vehicle safety belts
223 – Infectious disease control policy
300 – Civilian employees
400 – Scheduling
401 – Extra or outside employment
402 – Training
402A – Classroom Discrimination Policy
403 – Personal appearance
404 – Uniforms and plain clothes regulations
404A – Removed *No attachment
404B – Ballistic Vest Mandatory Wear Policy
405 – Meritorious service awards

406 – Employee misconduct allegation and complaint policy

407 – Conduct unbecoming a peace officer

412 – Mutual aid agreement
414 – Social media
415 – Squad camera policy

416 – Supervision of part time peace officers

417- Procession of property for administrative forfeiture

418 – Sexual Assault Investigation

419 – Eyewitness Identification Procedures

420 – Confidential Informants

421 – Public Assembly and First Amendment Activity

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