Beginning Monday, March 25th and until further notice, weight restrictions are imposed to alleys in Breckenridge. Due to spring wet conditions, heavy weight vehicles cannot go thru alleys. Place your garbage receptacle street side.
Breckenridge, MN Maps
Breckenridge, MN Maps
Breckenridge, MN Maps
Electrical Distribution System & Substation Infrastructure
Breckenridge Family Aquatic Center~ Click Here
Breckenridge is a well kept secret offering amazing tourist attractions, recreation and history.
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Breckenridge Port Authority
420 Nebraska Ave
Breckenridge, MN 56520
Phone: (218) 643-1431
Port Authority meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month and the 4th if necessary. Meetings are held at Breckenridge City Hall, Council Chambers
Breckenridge Port
Authority Committee
Tony Casper, President
Scott Nicholson, Vice President
Liane Mauch, Secretary
Sydney Wiertzema, Treasurer
Russ Wilson, Executive Director
Rick Busko, Member
Janel Fredericksen, Member
Reed Johnson, Council Member
Dennis Larson, Member
Evie Fox, Council Member
Vision Statement
The Breckenridge Port Authority will be the catalyst for building a better Breckenridge.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Breckenridge Port Authority is to enrich the quality of life of the citizens by collaboratively promoting the vitality of the community through the use of resources, incentives and programs that focus on creating, growing, and sustaining commercial, residential, and community development.
Port Authority Incentive Programs for Business
Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF)
The City of Breckenridge received approximately $1.5 million in funds for a revolving loan fund that is monitored by the Port Authority. The primary use of funds is for business development and assistance. Funds are used for gap financing and not primary financing. This Revolving Loan Fund can be used in conjunction with Border Cities Tax Credits to assist businesses in the city of Breckenridge. This fund has had an average balance of $676,000 available for business assistance over the past 10 years.
Border Cities Tax Credits
The City continues to receive Border Cities Tax Credits (Enterprise Zone Credits) from the State to distribute through its Border City Tax Credit Program. We usually receive around $100,000 every other year to help local businesses.
Housing Rehab Loan Program
The City has partnered with West Central Initiative (WCI) to offer low interest loans to Contractors or Developers looking to purchase, renovate, and resell homes in Breckenridge. Maximum loan of $50, 000 per home to be used for renovations. Must repay loan when home is sold or after 15 months (whichever is sooner).
For more information or to obtain an application call (218)643-1431 or email HERE.
Dreaming about starting your own business?
Now turn your dreams into reality. MN Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) can help. Click here for more information.
Port Authority Rental Space for Business
Business Rental Space
The Port Authority continues to maintain a set of buildings known as the Industrial Mall. It includes a main building called the Business Incubator, which has three (heated) business spaces, and a series of cold storage rental buildings.
Port Authority Incentive Programs for Residents
First-Time Home Buyers Program
The Port Authority continues to participate in the First-Time Home Buyers Program through the State of Minnesota. Each year, the Port Authority applies to this program for the allocation of funding through designated local banks for first-time home buyers. The program is meant to promote affordable interest rates and help homeowners better tackle their down payments and closing costs. Click Here for more information.
Breckenridge Public Utilities NEW Home Utility Incentives
Ready to Buy a Home? Need to Improve Your Home?
Minnesota Housing has an affordable loan program to meet your needs form first-time buyers to current homeowners. Click Here for more information
Home ownership is Possible- Click Here for details
Ready to Buy a Home?- Click Here for details
Improve Your Home, We can make it affordable!- Click Here for details
Heritage Estates
50% OFF through 06/30/25

Heritage South Addition
50% OFF through 06/30/25
City of Breckenridge Residential Lot for Sale

Port Authority Residential Lots for Sale
Home is waiting! Spacious residential lots priced to sell; affordable special assessments
Breckenridge Checks Out!
Low Property Taxes
Many Parks, Shelters & Trails
Great Schools- Students have opportunities to earn college credits at no cost while in high school
Local Hospitals & Clinics
Bois De Sioux Golf Course
Family Aquatic Center
Short Commute
to Fargo - Moorhead - Fergus