Beginning Monday, March 25th and until further notice, weight restrictions are imposed to alleys in Breckenridge. Due to spring wet conditions, heavy weight vehicles cannot go thru alleys. Place your garbage receptacle street side.
Breckenridge, MN Maps
Breckenridge, MN Maps
Breckenridge, MN Maps
Electrical Distribution System & Substation Infrastructure
Breckenridge Family Aquatic Center~ Click Here
Breckenridge is a well kept secret offering amazing tourist attractions, recreation and history.
Visit us to discover our secret.

OFFICE: (218)643-4681
Breckenridge Public Utilities
420 Nebraska Ave
Breckenridge, MN 56520
Mon.-Thur. 7:30am-5pm
& Fri. 7:30am-1pm
Emergency Service: Weekdays after 5, weekends & holidays call (218)643-5506
Public Utilities Department
Director of Public Service
Neil Crocker
Electric Line Crew
Brian Wika, Foreman
Jim Weatherstone
Easton Gravelle
Ace Wika
Water/Wastewater Distribution
Jeff Kugler, Foreman
James Finkral
Gavin Snyder
Ivan Crocker
Office Staff
Lori Gefre, Billing Clerk
Used power poles for sale. $5.00 each Assorted sizes and lengths. Contact Neil at (218)643-4681 for more information.
Services & Utilities
Breckenridge Public Utilities services electric, water and sewer to the City of Breckenridge. Because the city has its own municipal utilities, it is able to maintain electrical usage rates among the lowest in the state. The Municipal Utilities is governed by a five-member commission.
Breckenridge has two wells which receive water from the Wahpeton Buried Valley Aquifer. The City has a 1.3 million gallon storage capacity including the water plant and water tower. The new water plant is currently capable of producing 1 million gallons per day. The plant is more than capable of meeting the cities current peak demand of 775,000 gallons. Current daily usage averages approximately 250,000 GPD in the winter and approximately 450,000 GPD in the summer months. The city has a sewage lagoon system consisting of five cells covering 121 acres. The sewage treatment plant has a capacity of 1,000,000 gallons/day. The average demand is 400,000 gallons with a peak demand that can exceed 650,000 GPD.
Lead & Copper in Drinking Water Information
The City of Breckenridge has a municipal electric utility with power being purchased from the Western Area Power Association and Missouri River Energy Services.
Where did your electricity come from in 2023?
100% Renewable- Renewable Energy Certificate Form
Electric System Study & Capital Improvements Plan
Electrical Distribution System Upgrade Project
Street Light
To report a street light out call (218)643-4681. If possible, have the pole number for accuracy. Click here for example
Natural Gas
Breckenridge is serviced by Great Plains Natural Gas Company 877-267-4764.
Garbage is provided by an independent contractor. Area garbage contractors are: Waste Management 701-642-8403 and T&G Sanitation 701-242-8206. Roll-off dumpsters for new construction, remodels or major house clean outs BC Disposal 701-672-0277.
Notice Residential Customer Rights and Possible Assistance- Click Here
Cold Weather Disconnect Protection Inability to Pay Form- Click Here
Breckenridge Public Utilities Commissioners
Dennis Larson, President
Nate Summerville - Vice President
Hope Karlgaard, Secretary
Tom Seliski
Paul Kaufman
Breckenridge Public Utilities Commission meetings are open to the public & are held on the first & third Monday of each month at 2 pm in the City Hall, Council Chambers.
Breckenridge Public Utilities Commission Meeting Minutes:
03-18-24 No Meeting
04-15-24 No Meeting
05-20-24 No Meeting
06-17-24 No Meeting
07-01-24 No Meeting
08-19-24 No Meeting
10-21-24 No Meeting
11-04-24 No Meeting
01-13-25 No Meeting
02-03-25 No Meeting
03-17-25 No Meeting
Would you like to save energy & save money?
We offer rebates for your home or business for energy efficient appliances & equipment.

Donate to Heat Share and give your neighbor the gift of warmth!
Breckenridge Public Utilities can also take your check payment. Please make checks payable to HeatShare.