Beginning Monday, March 25th and until further notice, weight restrictions are imposed to alleys in Breckenridge. Due to spring wet conditions, heavy weight vehicles cannot go thru alleys. Place your garbage receptacle street side.
Breckenridge, MN Maps
Breckenridge, MN Maps
Breckenridge, MN Maps
Electrical Distribution System & Substation Infrastructure
Breckenridge Family Aquatic Center~ Click Here
Breckenridge is a well kept secret offering amazing tourist attractions, recreation and history.
Visit us to discover our secret.

Breckenridge Senior Citizens Center
225 5th Street South
We invite you to come to our center and join us in the games, giggles & entertainment that the center has to offer. The friendships that will acquire are an added bonus of the center.
Our center is open Monday through Friday. Some of the activities are card games, trivia, WII games, crafts, exercise and much more. Mondays and Fridays are days where you can socialize and/or plan activities with other members.
Healthy Meals Served at Center
Monday - Friday lunch served between 11am-12pm
Place your order before 8am (BEST to call the day before)
by Calling Cheryl at (218)643-5730.
Suggested meal cost is $5.
Healthy meals can also be delivered to you!
Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors- Click Here